Recrisping a turkey?


Brad Olson

TVWBB Diamond Member
As of right now, my plan for Thursday is to either rotisserie the turkey or cook it beer can style. This will take place here and then the turkey will have to be transported 20 minutes to the dinner site.

I'm thinking of putting it in a dish and then sealing it in with foil; this will keep it warm but the tradeoff will likely be softened turkey skin. I'm thinking that just before serving I'd like to put it in a 400-ish oven for maybe 5 minutes or so to recrisp the skin. Does this seem reasonable?
I’d broil it and watch it. My concern is 400°F isn’t going to crisp the skin in 5 mins.

I’d also recco a hand held torch and use that in strokes to crisp the skin.

