Recommendations for Griddle Scraper?

Eh… the one I have makes no mention of being stainless, and a magnet sticks to it better than it does to my fridge. I’m guessing it’s chromed spring steel.

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Yours still looks pretty good, but every one of those I buy gets pretty rusty just from using it for it's intended purpose and then rinsing off. I think I would just use a kitchen spatula of some sort.
I was using a cheap bench scraper but would occasionally burn myself.
Yeah, I was kind of looking for practical experience whether the bench scraper was a better option than the ones with straight handles. Your experience seems to concur with the consensus of Amazon reviews.
With the griddle I use in the picture above, I just dump a glass of water on it after cooking while it's still hot. As the water is violently steaming up whatever is on the griddle, I scrape it clean with my regular sized grill spatula. Just have to be careful to not get scalded.

That big spatula was a joke. It's pretty useless for grill duty.

I bought 1 of the 2 handed heavy duty griddle scrappers when I bought my BS 36", gave both to my son and bought a 17" table top recently, love it for 2 person cooking and a 4" Hyde scrapper works great, also the top fits in the sink so soap and hot water cleanup is very easy.
I'm 48 and five weeks into riding my bike to work most every day - 30 mile round trip. That exercise thing is no joke. I went from from last hole on one belt to the first in those five weeks - about four inches lost. All while eating a lot more calories.
I ended up going with these. I didn’t really need a three pack, but the price was right. I figure I’ll have one for indoors, one for outdoors, and a spare. View attachment 61123
Those look very nice Lee, and you could use them for drywall! Seriously, the quality seems much better on those than the ones I do buy at home depot for drywall work. The price is better too, let us know how they hold up.

