Recalibrating an ET-73



TVWBB Super Fan
Hi all,
Just wonder if it's possible to recalibrate an ET-73? I had a pot of boiling water going tonight to reheat last weekend's rib leftovers and I thought I'd see how close my various thermometer probes were to each other. The Thermapen jumped to 212 instantly and stayed there. My original Polder (the Alton Brown special) read 8 degrees high, but with the same probe connected to the ET-73 I was hitting 251 regularly.

I then used a different probe on the same devices with the same results. I can live with a 10-degree difference, but I'm not comfortable with one that's off 39 or 40 degrees...and who knows if the discrepancy is linear (no crushed ice handy just quite yet, and in the middle???).

Not looking for lab-grade accuracy, but something a little better would be just nice.
Nope. Having wrecked one of my Polder probes a couple of years ago I've been very careful with all my newer ones. Only the bottom 2" of each probe was in contact with the water. In fact, where the cable meets the metal probe, I've put some heat shrinkable tubing over the joint as an added layer of protection. When each probe was tested on the Polder base, it read a few degrees high. On the ET-73 it read 40 or so high, so I would surmise that the fault is in the ET-73's sensing circuitry, not a fault with the probes themselves.
I read some were here that IF your probes get wet boil them in cooking oil and all is well ! Duno fer sure never had to do it ! But I did read that .
Even though they plug in, the polder probes don't work in the ET-73 because the sensing element (thermister)is different. Different millivolt output per degree.

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Al Silverman:
Even though they plug in, the polder probes don't work in the ET-73 because the sensing element (thermister)is different. Different millivolt output per degree.

Al </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
Thanks! That's something I definitely did NOT realize. Since they're essentially identical appearance-wise (with the exception of the plug), I figured they were all the same, manufactured in the same factory just shipped with different products. This is great to know.

