Really happy with this grey paint for flippers......its cheap and readily available.



TVWBB All-Star
Hello all....not sure if I have mentioned this before but I get this paint at Home Depot and its a pretty close match. I have started to doing a dusting with some primer on my bottom shelves before I top coat and it has been turning out nice. The primer helps me get away with just average sticks to anything and lays flat....then I top coat with no issues. I got tired of looking for and paying for that tractor paint......give this stuff a try you will like it. Note....shake it good....and be sure to press the spray tip down al the way. I would say its about a 96% match which I easily get away with spraying the bottom shelf and let it fade onto the other side panels and I can barely see the overspray. The grills I am using this one are all Genesis 300's.


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Yes good point.....I have found that to get a dark enough grey you really have to lean towards black..... Give it a try....good stuff....not 100% match but certainly a 97% match

