Raven vs Bobcat

I have a few ravens that mess with us.
I don’t care for them one bit and wish we could pull pest tags on them.

Now about that bobcat,
I’ve wanted one for a long time.
I just don’t think I could afford to feed it or give it the attention it needs.
We have a bunch where we are at so maybe one day I could find a baby or at least pay for one.
With my luck I’d get one that sprayed.
I have a few ravens that mess with us.
The Raven in the picture is Nick, not seen but was a big part of getting rid of the Bobcat was Nora. They're year round neighborhood "pets" everyone loves them, feeds them and plays with them. Their favorite game is to throw crackers in the air and they divebomb and catch it. Not only do they chase off Bobcats, they also chase off other Ravens. I imagine they would be pests if for the fact that they're pets

