Radio controlled cars.

My choice? the 1/16 scale eRevo (I'd go brushless), one of those little carpet racers, or the Reflex 14T, in no particular order

What should I look for when comparing those cars? What are a few characteristics I should look for?

The only thing I can do right now is see that the eRevo takes a 7.2 V NiMH battery an 4 AA batteries, while the Reflex takes a LiPo battery and 4 AA batteries.

But I don't think the type of battery should be that big of a determining factor.

What are the pros and cons of those two when compared to each other?
Thanks. What else do you take into account, when choosing a car? What's important to you?

What would make you choose one over the other, from the two that you listed?
What is best for overall handling; driving on the road; or driving on some weeds? This would be after I've cut the weeds, not when they're giant.

* 1/10 Stampede 4x4 VXL TSM with stock 3000mAh NiMh battery

* 1/10 Rustler 4x4 VXL with stock 8.4 V 3000 mAH NiMh battery

* 1/10 E-Revo with 2 2S LiPo 5000 mAh battery?

These might be different conditions. But I just want one car that can be the best at handling these conditions.

I'm not a "basher" or someone looking to do flips. I just want to drive around.
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check out these crawlers from TA: - there's a video on the page

check out the traxxas page - all their models (seem to) have videos:

I really like the Team Associated short course trucks but I can't seem to find one that's 4x4 & RTR.

Isn't that TA Toyota a 4x4 that's RTR? Or is there something else that it's lacking that you're looking for?
What is best for overall handling; driving on the road; or driving on some weeds? This would be after I've cut the weeds, not when they're giant.

* 1/10 Stampede 4x4 VXL TSM with stock 3000mAh NiMh battery

* 1/10 Rustler 4x4 VXL with stock 8.4 V 3000 mAH NiMh battery

* 1/10 E-Revo with 2 2S LiPo 5000 mAh battery?

These might be different conditions. But I just want one car that can be the best at handling these conditions.

I'm not a "basher" or someone looking to do flips. I just want to drive around.
They might be a touch heavier, maybe a little less tuneable. Maybe it's snobiness.

Early on (1980s - 1999) everything was fragile, but since ~2008 everything is so much more durable, even the stuff that's geared more towards competition than back yard bashing.

I'm sure you saw the crawler trucks, I thought you might be more interested in those. I ran into a group of guys at the start of a trail I was coming back from, they were driving a crawler over some big rocks. They said "sorry" and were about to get out of my way but I watched for a few. A couple friends had rock crawlers.......but I don't remember seeing them run. They were big into Jeeps & off-roading, so that was a cheap hobby for them.

I actually hadn't paid much attention until you mentioned them. Thanks.

They look really cool, how they can go over anything.

I think I prefer one of the first three that I listed. Which do you think is best for the driving conditions I listed? Would one of them be ok in those driving conditions?

Basically either around the front yard or back yard.
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I placed a backorder for an 1:10 E-Revo. Supposed to be available May 21st.

I am going to get the 11.1 V batteries.
I spent hours watching videos of it, and the Rustler, before deciding.

I don't know if I'm going to do any jumps, but in the videos that I saw from someone that had a ramp, the E-Revo had better control in mid-air.

I don't want to break stuff and have to keep replacing parts, so I should be happy just driving it in the yard.

I see some people get these cars just for jumps, though.

Then the next decision was color. Blue/Green or Purple/Orange. I finally went with purple/orange.
After having the backorder date changed 4 times, I happened to find it at another retailer, so I ordered from there. They shipped it the next day, so I then cancelled the order from the first retailer.

It's finally here.

I think it looks even better in person.

And the handling is great.
It does look bigger in person, the same way the colors looked better in person, and the speed, power, and handling was better in person.

It fits on this table, so all is good.


Also, what am I doing wrong here, with this self righting attempt?

I called Traxxas. They said the profile has to be set when the car is turned off. I then tried it, and I was able to switch between the profiles.

Ok, so I know how to switch profiles now.

They also said to watch this video:

If I still can't get self-righting to work after that, then to call back.

I'll try that this weekend and see what happens.
Yeah, I have low voltage detection enabled. The green light by the EZ set button is on. If the light is red, then it means it's off. But I make sure it's green.

When the car is running, the batteries seem good. But when I have my car upside down, and I'm trying "self-righting" to make it upright on its own, it seems like there's not enough power. But maybe I just need to try the suggested calibration.
So I tried the ESC calibration, it didn't make it better.

I called back.

They said to try a factory reset on the transmitter.

I tried it.

I didn't make it better.

They're saying to send the car in now, minus the batteries and body.

They say it should be uncontrollably fast, and should be doing backflips and wheelies easily. I've only seen it do one backflip, and haven't seen a wheelie.

Plus, since it's not able to do self righting, they say that's another indicator that it might not be reaching full power.

They said during their evaluation, they record videos of the car doing things, both for themselves, and for the customer.

So if I was doing something wrong, I can see it from their videos of my car.

But they think something might be wrong, since it's not able to self-right.
Before sending in my car, I emailed Traxxas and asked them to watch my YouTube video of the self-righting attempt.

They confirmed that something appears wrong and that I should send in the car.

I'll try to do that today.
The new models don't support NiMh, only Lipos.

From the manual:

Do not use Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) batteries.

Thanks, I joined that forum.

I asked Traxxas if it could be a battery issue, but they said very unlikely.

Self Righting was one of the first things I tried, so I tried it when the batteries were still almost fully charged.
That was fast, they did it within the same day they received it.


I replaced the ESC in your truck at no charge. I calibrated the new ESC to your remote and tested with no issues. Thanks for choosing Traxxas.
Last year, I had gone to a hobby shop, and they were able to replace the tires, so I had it working again.

I'm in a similar boat as you were. I got my Tsauro-X out of storage for my kids to play with and the back tires need to be replaced. With fresh batteries, everything is working fine. I just need some new tires (and maybe new wheels), but nothing seems compatible.

What did you use to replace the tires? Did you remove the old tires and put new tires on the existing wheels, or find a way to get new wheels working with it? Can youbtake pictures or show part numbers? Do you remember what hobby store you went to?
I'm in a similar boat as you were. I got my Tsauro-X out of storage for my kids to play with and the back tires need to be replaced. With fresh batteries, everything is working fine. I just need some new tires (and maybe new wheels), but nothing seems compatible.

What did you use to replace the tires? Did you remove the old tires and put new tires on the existing wheels, or find a way to get new wheels working with it? Can youbtake pictures or show part numbers? Do you remember what hobby store you went to?

Nice to see someone else with a Tsauro-X.

I went to Sheldon's Hobbies:

2130 Trade Zone Blvd, San Jose, CA 95131

I put new tires. The workers at the hobby store picked out what they thought would work, and they were right. They then did the install (I think it's free if you purchase the parts from them).

Here's some pics, let me know if you want more information or different angles.

Let me know if you have any more questions, or how your repair goes.

They put that green tape on the inside of the 2nd pic to hold it in place.


