Questions??? Opps

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In the past, useing a variety of diffrent cookers, my ribs always came out too tough or dry. I don't like the meat actually falling off the bone but, prefer acertain amount of texture and clean bones.
I was finally able to achieve good results useing a method taught to me by a friend.
The day before the smoke, season ribs with dry rub and wrap each rack with cling wrap. Store over night. Remove ribs from wrapping and follow your normal smoking procedure. The last 60 to 90 minuets remove meat from smoker, double wrap with cling wrap and wrap again with foil. This also has worked well for pulled pork.
(also note I didn't skin the ribs.
Now for my questions....
Has anyone used this method with their WSM? Did it work?
Any tips for getting good texture and clean bones?

In my opinion start off doing it only 45 minutes if you dont want fall off the bone. You can always go longer if it needs it but if you go too long you are out of luck.
We cook spares and baby backs and either if you cook them the right amount of time and correct pit temp they will be tender and pull off the bone clean. The right amount of time and what the pit temp to use is the question.
We happen to cook at aprox 250?, when you can run a toothpick in the meaty part between the bones and it feels like it's going thru butter they are ready. I agree that there are other ways to get the job done but this works well for us.
As you folks well know Jim knows of what he speaks. I bought his old Klose and took it to the Paul Kirk Class this past weekend. Using this exact method under his expert guidance I took Honorable Mention ribbons in Ribs and Brisket and I had never cooked on the Klose before
I have found that if I use a meat thermometer and insert it between the rib bones on a slab or rack and the temperature is at least 180F then the ribs are very tender. I take the ribs out of the smoker and then crisp them on either a charcoal or gas grill (remove the upper clinder of the WSM and place a grill on the charcoal bowl) and then baste them briefly with BBQ sauce for just a few minutes. They are the best this way!
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