Question regarding starter button on side burner of my old school 3000



TVWBB All-Star
Hello all......
So I am making progress on my ole resto but at a snails pace. I am rigging the top panel and the side burner and noticed the side burner only has a white wire going to it. I looked at my dismantling pics and at the time it only had a white wire as well. I didnt think to test tonight with just one wire but is this how the side burner is wired?????

Also I am thinking of going with black knobs. I really dislike the tiny old school white knobs.

I mocked up the original handle tonight and it ruined my thoughts on the blonde wood scheme. The blonde wood looks good everywhere else but not on the handle. What is the best stain color for the wood on a blue grill?



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Here is the ole gal just begging to be back in action......handle and the other wood is just mocked up........Starter buttons are in the kitchen sink being cleaned. I would like them to be black too. I would think a high quality plastic paint would hold up for a little while. Or I could order the black starter buttons from another series....


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Yah, if I recall correctly the side burner is basically grounded to the frame similar to how a car uses the chassis/frame as the negative ground. But, easy enough to test by just hooking it up and pressing the button to see if you get a spark.

Are you sure that is a 3000 and not a 4000? I thought the side burner with double flip up tables makes it a 4000.

I personally like a darker wood.
Blue Genesis 3000. model year 1995

Can you post a photo of the lid?

Above is the info u gave me from the sticker on my grill..........But u gave me the above info from only seeing the sticker and the this is the entire grill. So is it a 4000?
Its interesting u say that about being grounded to the frame because there is a screw that is screwed in through the side burner trey and into the frame so hey.....very possible. Will check it out make spark....pound chest.....eventually me make 550 degree cook meat.
I think it is. Someone else may be able to chime in, but clearly it started out life as a 3000. The right side shelf could have been added at the store or by the owner after the fact. But, I do believe the configuration now is a 4000.
People like Jon and Chris and other are more up on the variations than me.
Ok....I always appreciate u letting me pick your brain. This is why I never know what to call this grill ....but this time we will narrow it down. In the pics u can see I still have the original wood on the flip up treys. I really didnt want to disassemble the frame so I will be applying the new wood to the treys while still attached to the grill.....such a hack.


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I don't know for sure....After doing a bit more research, that might be a 3000 that came with the right hand swing table.
When looking up the parts list for your grill by SN, it comes up with this and does mention the right hand swing table.

I am looking forward to someone else chiming in here on the exact model of Genesis you have.
Oh, and by the way, those trays on top should simply pop out. They are not attached to the grill. The swing tables are really easy to remove as well. Just loosen up the end cap holding the swing table pivot rod and it will pop out. Then it is just a matter of removing the plastic slid clip from the slide bar which is easy as well. It will make working on them 20X easier.
Ya I was paranoid that I would break the plastic end caps. I have yet to conquer an end cap to this day. As for the top treys ya I removed those to install the wood......its just the treys that I felt I could do a work around on. I figured if that old brittle plastic broke I was screwed.
Hello all......
So I am making progress on my ole resto but at a snails pace. I am rigging the top panel and the side burner and noticed the side burner only has a white wire going to it. I looked at my dismantling pics and at the time it only had a white wire as well. I didnt think to test tonight with just one wire but is this how the side burner is wired?????
The control panel sticker is dual coded. On the left, down at the bottom , you can see the KL3 code which would indicate a Gen 3000.
EO is 1995. Maybe the addition of a right side flip up table was an after market addition that Weber had to be assemble by the retailer at the time of purchase if the buyer wanted it. I know on my Gen 2000, 1993 model, the right side burner was added on by the retailer for an additional cost, thus making it "look" like a 3000 model, but the control panel clearly states that it was sold as a Gen 2000 , coded KN2. Just a thought...
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On the side burner it's designed so when you push the start button contact is made with ground. Drove me nuts first time I saw one myself
Yah, Rick and Larry pretty much confirmed what I had though was the case with the burner and the grill model.

