Question re brisket refrigeration


Brian Watkins

New member
I cooked a brisket overnight Thursday to serve tonight. Due to bad planning, I had to pull it off the heat a few hours ago. I like to serve it sliced so I didn't want to cook too long. It is now cold in the fridge.

I need to serve sliced brisket sandwiches to guests around 8:00 p.m. tonight. I figure I have a couple of options to bring it to temperature. I could stick it in the oven or bullet at 250 degrees for three hours or so. My concerns are 1) not drying it out, and 2) bringing it up to around 175 degrees before serving.

I'd appreciate any advice or anecdotes on what you may have done to reheat a brisket. By the way, it weighs 6.5 lbs.


One way would be to slice it. Make a big pot of Ajus. Warm the slices in the Ajus. Won't take long at all to heat.

Foil and warm in oven is always an option.
I just did a search and learned that there is already a thread on this topic. I got the advice I was looking for.

I love this website. Sincere apologies.
Thank you, Jon. I think I'm going to use the foil/oven approach at approximately 300 degrees with some oj thrown in with the natural Aujus I have from the cook. After that I'll firm it up for a few minutes on the gas grill.

