Q200 with metal parts on tables?



Doing a rehab on 2 different q grills. One has some features I haven't seen on others. Is it just a much older one? Even the color is a bit different than the other 4 I've had. It has metal inserts in the tables and the rods underneath to hold the tools is also metalPXL_20240525_150348308.jpgPXL_20240525_150405644.jpgPXL_20240525_150418476.jpg
The very first Q2XX was a bit different. I got one MANY years ago and gave to my daughter for college. Metal rivets in the side tables and such like that. I completely forgot about this until you posted
I remember noticing those "metal rivets" on tables before on Q grills. I guess I just didn't think much into them.
My Q200 is on permanent loan to my dad but I vaguely remember those metal nubs keeping the plastic from contacting a potentially hot body when folded
Thanks for the info guys. I think I might keep this cradle for myself and use my correct frame in the rehab to still. Kind of unique! For it for free as well

