Pulled the Trigger on a OTG Today!

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But it's sitting in my car. Still trying to figure out how to break the news to wifey.

I think I'll wait till everyone goes to bed, put it together and act surprised when she sees it in the backyard.

FYI...money is not the issue...the growing collection is!
I broke the news this morning...lol. She had previously invited her side of the family over for steaks tonight, so I was able to spin the need for the bigger grill.

Just got finished putting it together. She's a beauty! Was a little disappointed to find the charcoal baskets and a cover were not included...oh well.

As a compromise, I have to go shoe shopping with her this afternoon.
Yea i also found out the same way as you the cover and baskets weren't included. Picked them both up today
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