Pulled pork the day after

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Hi Guys,

I have two questions:

1) What will the results be if I smoke a butt on Saturday to serve for guests on Sunday, and when do you recommend that I pull it and how do I store and reheat it? OK, I realize I've used up my question limit already /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

2) Does smoking 4 racks of baby back ribs take considerably longer than 1 rack assuming the temperature at the grate (in either case) would be the same?

Thanks a lot,
Alan S.
If it was me (I'm not real experienced w/pp), I would pull and sauce it as usual, then store in Ziplocks. To reheat, you could just put the bags in a pot of almost boiling water on the stove.

As for the ribs, I don't think the difference would be much at all (if any?). I'd do all 4! /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
Alan, I smoked 4 butts and 2 briskets for a wedding diner. I did the butts the day before, pulled and ziplocked it. I took the left over mop, strained it and added some apple juice. Put the pulled pork in very large pan, sprayed it down with the mixture, reheated in oven at 200 till very warm. It was very moist and everyone loved it. I put a post on here and got lots of help for that diner. Hope this helps you some.
Rob and Ed,

Thanks VERY much for the quick replies, especially since I needed to have an answer by this Saturday.
Sounds like I can pull it off (no pun intended)and keep the guests happy, and not have to get up at 6am (that's really what this was all about!).

Thanks again,
Alan S.
I prefer steaming or a double boiler to boiling the bag in water. If the bag ruptures (zip lock or food saver) you don't get flooding.
I usually put it in a low crock pot untill nice and warm. With some apple juce. (CAUTION) Don't leave in crock pot too long as the meat will become stringy and dry. I would say no more than 3 or 4 hours
I'd suggest that you pull the pork on Saturday, as opposed to trying to re-heat the butt to pull on Sunday. Re-heating the pulled pork is much simpler over dealing with the butt the next day.
Yeah, I agree...There ususally is an improvement in the flavor of pulled pork the day after. Not sure why, but its good to know that you can always cook it in advance and still have excellent results !
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