Pulled Pork Recipes?


Jim N

TVWBB Member
I'm planning to cook my first pork butt(s) on the bullet this weekend for friends. I'd like to try a couple different rubs & mops. Does anyone have any simple recipes they're willing to share?
I'm planning to use the Renowned Mr. Brown recipe for one; still looking for ideas on the other.

One question... What is turbinado sugar? Can I substitute white granular or brown sugar for this, and if so, in what quantities?
turbinado is just raw, unprocessed, or demera sugar. I think the most common brand found in the supermarket is "sugar in the raw" or something like that. I've never not found it in a grocery store.

However, when I don't have it on hand, I just do a one-to-one substitution of brown sugar. There is probably a more precise quantity substitution, but I'm not to precise on rubs in the first place...
Jim, brown sugar unless you dry it out first has a tendency to clump. Makes it tough to spread or use shaker. I've dryed out brown sugar in the oven and it's been fine. Sugar in the raw is available at Walmart groceries. I used a mustard slather with rub last weekend. You can get overwhelmed with the amount and different rubs. Find one that looks good and go with it. Heck, if you make two butts try different rubs on each one.
As far as Turbinado sugar goes, just do what I do and go to the nearest coffee shop and take a few sugar in the raw packets. Starbucks always carries them.
I've had no problem buying Turbinado sugar at my local supermarkets. Ususally in the baking section. Also you can't go wrong with Mr. Brown. But I do reduce the pepper slightly.
Jim, I often use the rub in the "Best Ribs in the Universe" recipe for my butts. I tend to replace the salt with kosher salt, and the white and brown sugar with turbinado sugar.

I think if you are trying to accurately approximate turbinado sugar, you use a mixture of white and brown sugar, but there's no need to be completely accurate...
Thanks for all the advice! In the interest of saving time, I think I'll be doing Mr. Brown on one, and BRITU on the other as I have the stuff already put together. I'll report back on Monday with the results. Happy cooking this weekend everybody!

