Pulled pork and pulled beef


Jon Chappel

TVWBB Member
I made some pulled pork and pulled beef over the weekend. They were both good, although slightly dry. From what I've been reading I don't think they were done, or possibility they were too small (3lbs each)? Also I think I may have pulled everything too thin which also dried things out.
The temp started at 225°C and got up to 285°C towards the end of the cook. After 3 hours internal temp of the meat was ~160°C, I wrapped them, added an apple juice mixture and cooked for another hour and 15min - internal temp was 205°c.
They both felt probe tender I thought...I could twist the meat with a fork although there was some resistance. Here are some pics.

Pork butt (I was surprised SnS sold these)

Chuck roast


Chuck post cook

Pork post cook
Jon, the pork looks really moist. Hard to see the beef. Sounds like you did a good technique. You can always add a bit of sauce to the puled to moisten up if it is dry for you. Keep going, You are on the right track.

Happy Smokin'


