Proper use of a ceramic saucer.



I have read about using a ceramic saucer in place of water in the 22" WSM, so I purchased one at Home Depot, only to get it home and realize I have no clue why I bought it or how to "properly" use it.

Is the saucer used to "absorb" heat from the coals thereby keeping down the temps at the grate level?

I bought about a 12" saucer that I assumed would sit down in the water bowl. Am I supposed to buy one large enough to fit at the rim of the bowl?

Sorry for these silly questions but I didn't realize what I didn't know until now.

Please tell me the proper size and use of the ceramic saucers.

Mine fits nicely into the top of the water pan. I foil both the pan, and ceramic saucer. Works great, and it is the only way I ever do it.
I use a 14" clay pot base in my 18.5" WSM and it fits the water pan perfectly. I foil the water pan, then foil the clay pot base and put in the water pan.

The clay pot base works as a heat sync. It stabilizes temperatures better than an empty water pan, not as well as water. You'll hear all kinds of opinions. I use mine when cooking at temps under 250. Over 250, I use an empty water pan. I've never had problems controlling heat in the WSM and could probably use the empty pan all the time, but I'm dialed in with my settings using the clay pot base.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Lew:
The clay pot base works as a heat sync. It stabilizes temperatures better than an empty water pan, not as well as water. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

So, ideally I should try to find a clay pot base that has the same circumference as my water pan, so it fits "snugly" over the entire top of the water pan, and not down IN the water pan?
No, that isn't necessary, Jeff. Try using the one you have. All you need is something that will absorb enough heat to level out the fluctuations that occur as your fuel (charcoal) slowly ignites and burns.

If you are using some kind of forced draft system, like a Stoker, you don't need to have anything in the pan at all. Just run it with foil over it to collect the drippings.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Jeff Bryson:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Lew:
The clay pot base works as a heat sync. It stabilizes temperatures better than an empty water pan, not as well as water. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

So, ideally I should try to find a clay pot base that has the same circumference as my water pan, so it fits "snugly" over the entire top of the water pan, and not down IN the water pan? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>Vincent's right. It doesn't have to fit to work. I just wanted one that fit and that was the 14". Maybe 12" is the right size.

