problrm with a version 4.2.4 short


John Bostwick

TVWBB Wizard
I put together another 4.2.4 board that I just received form OSH and I ran into a problem when I plugged it in, I had a short and the MCP1700-33 got really hot. I then checked the for shorts and I had a short between gnd and +5. 3.3 seemed ok. I removed the MCP1700-33 and I took a good HM board and installed wires to the shorted one to give it 12volt, and 3.3volt. I connected the 3.3v wire to the Atmega328 pin 7 on both boards and plugged in the 12volt wallwart and it works fine.

Now, im not sure if it was just the MCP1700-33 that was shorted or if there is still something else shorted on the board. Its working fine being jumped with power from the good HM board. I don't want to put another MCP1700-33 in if it will fry again though.

any thoughts, lol, It does not matter how many of these things you build, you still can have problems

