Problem raising the temperature


William Pidgeon

TVWBB Member
The last couple of times I used my Weber smoker, I had a difficult time exceeding 225 degrees. I had approx 32 lbs of pork on and even the last 1/4 of time, it would not go above 225 for an extended length of time. Could it be that the smoker is older and the lid and door do not fit tightly?
Not likely....are you sure the vents on the bottom are not occluded in any way? are they wide open? top too? What fuel are you using?
You going off of the dome thermo? Mine isn't even close and 225 on the thermo is more like 285 at the grate.
What charcoal are you using? Kingsford Original builds up ash after a number of hours and smothers itself. Needs a good shake.
How many cooks have you done? For some reason, I had a harder time keeping temps up early on. After a number of cooks, it's a lot easier.
I have used Kingsford and Wegmans in the past. I have always cleaned out all of the charcoal debris from the previous smoke and kept the vents open until temperature got to 225-250. It is very difficult to do ribs and get the smoker to exceed 300 degrees.

