Probe cables through side of WSM

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Ken McCrary

TVWBB Super Fan
I am planning on trying out a ET-73 for the first time this weekend. My question is can I pass both probes through one hole drilled in the side of the WSM without having interference because of the two cables cables touching?
That will work fine. The metal braid of the cable is to protect the inner wire, and serves no signal transmitting function itself.
I actually already drilled the hole a couple of weeks ago. I did look into the guru eyelets but figured I already had the uni bit so why not. I ran a single probe through this small 3\16" hole without any problem. I have since installed a rubber gromet into the hole to protect the finish. I don't think the cooker will get hot enough to melt the rubber but we'll jut have to wait and see. I'll try to take some pics and post.
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