price of meat


Mickey Mays

TVWBB Member
I am getting ready for my first smoke and have been looking for pork butts and briskets. I was wondering what is the going price for a brisket and butts. We have a Sam's club in our area but have not seen either of them there. I am ready but the weather is so darn cold up here that I am waiting for spring to arrive. I have been reading the messages and feel that I am prepared. I am drooling looking at the pictures that members have posted and I cannot wait!!! I even ordered the Brinkman pan for water. I got it from that fishing link that was posted. I bought 3 and they were only 3.99 each, and postage for three was the same as it was for one. Great deal. Going to go to Home Depot this weekend and purchase more stuff. Thanks to everyone. This site is great!!

Around California in the places I shop, pork butts can go for $1.29 to 1.49 per pound. Warehouse stores like Costco sell pork butts, spare ribs, baby-backs, rib roasts and so forth.

I bought a case of pork butts at Sam's a week ago and they were $1.07 per pound.

And, they were delicious later.
I bought two cryos of butts at Sam's in Tulsa OK this last Saturday, and they were $1.27/lb (or $1.16/lb case price.) You may have to ask one of the meat men for the butts. Our Sam's never has them in the front meat cases but will bring them out of the back for you.

I didn't notice their packer brisket prices, as I almost always buy my briskets at a local chain called Reasor's who carries only the choice CAB (Certified Angus Beef) briskets that I like. Bought 8 on sale for $1.09/lb last week, regular $1.49 - 1.69 right now. Flats more like $2.49/lb or so, I think - I don't pay that much attention to the prices on flats since I rarely cook 'em.

Go Pokes! (
at Darrin...)

Keri C, smokin' on Tulsa Time

