preparing a pork picnic for smoking


Bruce R

TVWBB Member
I bought a picnic insted of a shoulder to smoke. Should I trim off the thick layer of skin or leave it on for flavoring. Any help would be appreciated.
Trim it. It won't cook to crispy at low temps. Since you're likely to remove it after cooking, there goes the bark. Trim it off now so that you can apply rub to the meat before cooking.
Frankly, that it is not worth the bother.

I can see it somewhat if cooking to a slicing point. (But not enough for me to bother with then either.) Since the posr will be pulled I don't see the advantage as one can add whatever one wishes after pulling. I add a finishing sauce--a couple tablespoons or so per each large handful of pulled pork--as i pull it. This sauce and, usually, another tomato/fruit-based sauce, gets served on the side as well.

Others differ, preferring to inject. I have never seen the need nor thought the results were worth it. YMMV. Try a few approaches over several cooks and see what you prefer.

Have a great meal!
I have smoked a few of the picnics and did not trim the first. All others I have trimmed and they turned out much better.Like Kevin mentioned "there goes the bark". I have only injected one and IMO it was not worth it I did not notice much flavor difference.
You can leave the skin on too, though you lose a little bark ... I've done a number of picnics hock removed with the skin on ... at first it was to save time.

Picnics can get a litle dry compared to shoulder butts in my experience. It seemed to me leaving the skin on made the end product more moist, though I have not done a side by side.

