Powdered Bay Leaf


Rita Y

TVWBB Emerald Member
I just placed a Penzey's order but they don't carry powdered bay leaf. I tried Sweet Freedom Farm and Mountain Rose Herbs but found it at The Spice House:

$3.79 for a 1.75-oz bag
$7.06 for shipping/handling

$ 10.85 Total !!!

Wow! That's dear. I've tried grinding a few of the broken-up leaves in a spice grinder but they didn't grind down to a powder. Do you think I'd have more success with a larger quantity of bay leaves or is it just the way they are going to grind no matter what quantity I try?

Any other options?

You need a larger quantity. This forces the smaller pieces (as they become available) into the blades more readily and they become 'over-ground' sooner--the consistency you need. Grind for a while--longer than you'd expect--then scoop into a small fine strainer and sift out the large pieces. You can return those to the grinder but once the quantity in it gets low it is harder to get to the powder stage.
It seems as though bay leaf grinds well when you tear them into smaller pieces and combine with a few other harder spices like peppercorns, allspice or juniper berries. Obviously that doesn't help if you need just the bay leaf powder by itself, but it works for most of my applications.
Would a mortar and pestle work? Use the grinder to break down the pieces as small as they will go and then finish them off in the mortar.

