Port forwarding issue, not HM issue, But


John Bostwick

TVWBB Wizard
Well, I have an issue that I have been trying to figure out with my port forwarding on my router. I have been trying to get Octoprint to be forward, so that I can view my 3d printer off network. But, nothing seems to work. My ip 192.168.103, and I put that into my port forwarding settings for octoprint and it fails to connect.

I had my HM port forwarding also. But, my HM ip is 192.168.128, and i dont have it forward on my router, as I changed it to the octoprint IP.

But since I have unable to connect to Octoprint, I decided to plug in my HM and it connects to the router, without issue. I try my octoprint12.ddns.net and sure enough it goes directly to the HM, even though I'm not port forwarding its IP address. Basically, I'm forwarding the IP for my Octoprint RPI which is 192.168.103, but the router is not forwarding that ip and is instead forwarding 192.168.128, which is my HM.

I tried to restart the router I deleted any port forwarding on my router and it still let's the HM connect off my network. I'm at a loss as to why, and so I figured someone on here would probably have an answer lol.

