pork tenderloin help



New member
I'm going to smoke a pork tenderloin today on my WSM. I'd like to cut into porkchops when finished. Any suggestions on smoking temp. and what internal meat temp. that I should pull meat from smoker ? Thanks !:blackkettle::wsm22:
I am assuming you mean Loins and not tenderloins as you want to cut them into chops. I do mine around 325* (as the loins are usually pretty lean) for a bit over an hour and get an internal temp about 145-150 and let rest.
I've had good success by brining for several hours (1 cup kosher salt /gal H2O) then smoking at 225° till internal hits 135° then either grill or bring in to house oven at high heat 450° for 10 mins or until internal hits 145°. Kinda a reverse sear method.

