JR Williams
New member
I attempted my first overnight smoke with my WSM 18.5" this past weekend and I had a weird situation that I wanted to run by the group and see what you all thought. My meat of choice this weekend was two pork butts (boneless), about 8 lbs each. I put them both on the top rack and used my ET-73 to track meat and rack temperature. I was able to keep the WSM temp at an average of 215-220 overnight and was very happy with how it performed.
Somewhere around the 10-11 hour mark (don't remember exactly) the temperature on the meat probe stalled out at 170 degrees. After doing some Google searches, I realized that this was probably the "plateau" and was normal and expected. Sure enough, after a while (probably 1.5 hours or so) the temp started increasing again and I thought I was well on my way to my target temp of 190 for doing pulled pork. The strange part is that after another couple of hours, the meat stalled again at 178 degrees and then it actually started coming down a few degrees in temperature. My rack probe was reading 230 degrees as the temp for the smoker so I don't understand why the meat was actually decreasing in temperature. I finally pulled the meat off after 16 total hours and a final meat temp of 176. The meat seemed very tender (haven't actually gotten to eat it yet) but I was disappointed about not reaching the final target temp. Should I have just left the meat on there until the temp started rising again? Anyone have any idea what would have caused this? I tested the two probes in a glass of water later in the evening and they both gave the exact same reading so I don't think it is a probe problem.
Somewhere around the 10-11 hour mark (don't remember exactly) the temperature on the meat probe stalled out at 170 degrees. After doing some Google searches, I realized that this was probably the "plateau" and was normal and expected. Sure enough, after a while (probably 1.5 hours or so) the temp started increasing again and I thought I was well on my way to my target temp of 190 for doing pulled pork. The strange part is that after another couple of hours, the meat stalled again at 178 degrees and then it actually started coming down a few degrees in temperature. My rack probe was reading 230 degrees as the temp for the smoker so I don't understand why the meat was actually decreasing in temperature. I finally pulled the meat off after 16 total hours and a final meat temp of 176. The meat seemed very tender (haven't actually gotten to eat it yet) but I was disappointed about not reaching the final target temp. Should I have just left the meat on there until the temp started rising again? Anyone have any idea what would have caused this? I tested the two probes in a glass of water later in the evening and they both gave the exact same reading so I don't think it is a probe problem.