Pork Shoulder Picnic

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Bill Dowd

New member
Just got a WSM as an early Father's Day present. For my maiden voyage I picked up a "fresh" pork shoulder picnic, bone in, packed in cryovac. I've looked around the site for recipes, cooking directions, etc. but did not find anything specific to pork shoulder. Did I buy a good piece of meat for making pulled pork? The meat weighs just under 10.5 lbs. How long should it cook in the 200 - 225 degree range? Any suggestions for rubs, sauces, and technique will be greatly appreciated!
Treat it like a pork butt, cook at 225-235, and take it to 185-190* internal. Might check the Cooking section of the website for pork butt for guidance on times for that weight and temp.
Doug is right you can follow any of the pork butt recipie. Picnic has less fat overall and ussually cooks quicker than a butt (per pound). Last summer I did one- cooked it to 190* It was about 9 #weight and took about 10 hours. Ive cooked 6# butts that took that long, even longer.

Good luck.

That's one manly piece o' pork for a first run but I'm sure you're going to do fine. James is right, it does have a little less fat overall that the butt. You might want to (but it is not necessary) try an injection of about 1/3 vegetable oil and 2/3 vinegar. That should make up for any moisture loss but shouldn't effect your cooking time very much.

Good Luck and Let it ROLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!
Doug, James, and Pat
Thanks for the replies and good advice. As I'm writing this, the pork is on the smoker. It's cool and rainy in Rhode Island today, about 60 degrees. The Weber is holding 250 - 260. My plan is to go 10 hours, turn at the 5 hour mark and get 190 - 200 internal temp. I'm hoping to get some pulled pork for dinner!
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