Pork Loin Roast Tips


Darryl P

TVWBB Member
Hello All
I cooked a pork loin roast last night in my WSM and had some fabulous results (the family said it was the best tasting pork ever).

A few weeks back, I saw a video from America's Test Kitchen where they mentioned that when meat stays at 120ish or so degrees certain enzymes start to break done the protein molecules and hence made the meat more tender. I forgot the details that got me thinking... I usually cooked lean roasts at about 425 and pulled when done. The results were always the same DRY. I thought its the meat not the cook

So last night I tried a different approach to get the meat to slowly ramp the temp without a multi hour slow-and-low. It was 4:30 and want to eat dinner at 7, so I cooked it at 300 til done when the internal temp hit 164. Not high-heat, not low-and-slow, so how about medium-and-medium
and let it rest under foil for about 30 minutes (just enough time to make spinach risotto). Sorry no pics
The results juicy and succulent hmmm.

For the details:
Rub: Steve Raichlens Java Rub from his book "Grilling". This is a great rub for pork IMHO.

Fired up the WSM using the standard method.
Foiled empty water pan.

Cooked at 300 in the dome 'til thermometer hit 164. 1.5-2 hours for this cut.

After I took off the meat, I covered in foil and then made the risotto which I estimated took about 30 minutes. And for all the newbies out there, you must rest your meat that is a key to moist meat.

Can wait for pork sandwiches for lunch.
A multi-hour low/slow is not warranted for pork loin because it is rather lean. Moderate or lower heat cooking can be helpful because it helps prevent the surface and outward portions of the loin from overcooking before the interior reaches done. Having the roast at or near room temp helps too.

Me, I only roast pork loin to an internal of ~150, lower (~145) for smaller loin cuts or tenderloins. This, imo, is the most helpful approach of all. You might want to try a lower internal target and see what you think.

