Pork Butt Time Question

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I love the site, love the board, love the WSM, first time posting.

Using the theory that a 6 pound pork butt will take approx. 12 hours(2 hours/lb.), will two 3 pound butts only take 6 (2 hours per pound individually)??? Or because its 6 pounds of meat total still take 12 hours? Sounds like an old theorm from geometry class...like the "Law of inverse smoked pork" or something like that.


Welcome aboard!

Your theory sounds good, but, pork butt has to go through a connective tissue breakdown period of time where the fat is also rendered. This usually happens around 160* and can take a few hours. I've never done 3 pounders before but I can tell you it will probably take longer than 6 hours. Your best bet is to put a calibrated remote thermometer like an ET-73 in the center of one of the butts and go for it. It shouldn't take 12 hours though. BTW, I've had 7 pounders go 22 to 23 hours cooking at 225 and they never got to 195*. Others here might be able to give you a better idea of time

Again, welcome to TVWB.
The "hours per pound" estimate applies to the individual piece of meat, and not the cumulative weight of all pieces in the cooker. The key word, however is "estimate", as some butts-- and briskets, too-- seem to defy conventional wisdom and end up cooking more slowly or quickly than expected. Rely on your thermometer first and foremost, and allow extra time for those occasional stubborn ones.
OK Bill, is that 225 at the grate? I have a thermometer at the top of the lid, which I have tested and believe to be accurate, and it usually is at 250. I seem to get 6 pound Butts here, and can’t find much bigger. I have yet to hit 2 hours a pound, the longest going about 1 1/2 hours a pound. They have always tasted great, and been nice and moist.... but of course I am thinking if I can make them cook a little longer they will just be that much better...maybe I need to drop the temp a little? Practice….Practice…

If you've got 250 at the lid, you've probably got 230-240 at the top grate. I have recently dropped my lid temps to 230-235 and seem to be holding a steady 223-225 at the top lid.

Good Luck!
Like Bruce, I keep my grate temps down around 220 to 225* (Dome temp will probably be up around 240* or so). I think it gives the meat a little more time to render the fat but they're always very moist. Let us know how it goes
Ive given up on predicting Butts. Mine always seem to take forever. I usually bring the cooker up to temp real slowly to avoid an out of control fore situation. I have had 22 hour butts and 15-18 hour ones. I also usually BBQ no higher than 225-230 sometimes I let it drop to like 205 before I will mess with it. Oh yea I never lift the lid......never. Im wierd like that.
I generally find that cooking time increses only slighty with the amount/number of items added. Exazmple: 2 4lb. butts take only about 1 hour longer than one 4 lb. butt. Where 1 8lb. butt will take much longer than either.
Thanks guys,
Just finished a pork butt quick cook. Had 2 3 lb. butts, started at 4:30, had an internal temp of 195 at 10:45. Tastes great! Used an apple/hickory wood mix. Although the Minion Method overnight works great, the quick cook will also do the trick!! Thanks for all your help...happy smoking!
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