Pork butt tasted a little hammy

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Frank M

TVWBB Member
I must be the only one here not getting fantastic results with my new WSM... first the dry chicken and now, yesterday, I got pork butt that tasted a little hammy to both my wife and I.

I followed the Mr. Brown recipe here on this forum. Cooked three butts-- two about 5-6 lbs, the other a little smaller. Started around 7:00 am and they cooked slow and steady all day. At around 6:00 pm I pulled the small one off, let it rest wrapped in foil in a cooler for an hour, and then pulled it apart. It pulled apart a little tough and actually seemed dry (relatively speaking) in some places. My wife, daughter, and I ate most of this one while the other two stayed in the smoker. My wife and I both agreed that, while it was overall very good and certainly edible, it did have a distinct hammy taste to it, especially around the outside which had turned a pink color that looked very much like ham. Maybe we're overly sensitive to this taste as neither one of us particularly like ham (although we both love pork).

At around 7:30-8:00 I pulled the other two butts off and let them rest for an hour as I had the first one. The second two pulled apart -much- easier, and tasted MUCH better I thought. Less of a ham taste, although it was still there I thought (my wife didn't taste any of the second butts).

Things I learned on this cook:

1. Not all butts are created equal. The first, smaller butt I had purchased at a mom & pop grocery store near us. The second was purchased at a larger chain store. Not sure if the difference was the size of the butt, or the quality of the source-- but there was a definite difference.

2. I seem to be doing something that is making my pork taste hammy. My BRITU ribs I thought tasted a little hammy (and definitely salty), and now the butts. The rub recipes seem like they contain an awful lot of salt-- could this be what's doing it? Or could it be something else? Any thoughts on this would be most welcome.
My first guess would be the ribs and butt that tasted hammy were brined in a salt solution to increase their weight and add moisture. I to believe these products taste hammy. The solution is easy, buy meat the has not been brined. Look very closely at the packages for the words “enhanced with a XX% salt solution” or ask the butcher if the product you are buying contains these solutions.

Can't comment on the BUTT as I haven't tried to make one yet.

I made BRITU for the first time last weekend. It was awesome! I did coat the ribs with less rub then was indicated. I've followed recipe's for ribs on the grill and have also complained about an overly salty taste. I just reduced the amount of rub and it was fine.

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Steve Prescott:
[qb] My first guess would be the ribs and butt that tasted hammy were brined in a salt solution to increase their weight and add moisture. I to believe these products taste hammy. The solution is easy, buy meat the has not been brined. Look very closely at the packages for the words “enhanced with a XX% salt solution” or ask the butcher if the product you are buying contains these solutions.[/qb] <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>I am aware of the "enhanced" products that are sold, and I am quite sure that none of the three butts I just cooked were so identified. I'm not sure about the ribs as at the time I did those I wasn't aware of what to look for.

Are those enhanced products typically sold in the cryovac packaging? Or can they also be sold in the styrofoam-tray-with-cling-wrap type packaging that you typically find in a grocery store meat section?
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