Pork butt and brisket cook hot and fast


Darrin Vasseur

New member
Hello all...I am cooking 2 pork butts and a brisket at the same time. Curious to know what one to put on top and bottom...TY very much for your time.
Man, you ask hard questions. LOL I have never actually taken much notice on how much "fat" or "grease" drips from either, but just "shooting from the hip", I "Think" I'd put the pork butt on top.The Bark of the brisket is going to be more tough than the pork butt, I think. Also, they both should cook about the sam amount of hours and the pork butt is "fall apart tender" when it's finished, where brisket has more of a hardened bark and would hopefully resist absorbing the drippings from the butt.

This is a suggestion from a newbie, and I'd wait till some real Pro's chime in on this one.

Great question however, and I'm anxious to follow the respones to it.

In my case, I'd cook them separate. LOL
No reply yet George...Was just curious to see.I am doing a kcbs comp in Sept and trying to see what some of the other bullet cooks have done.
Hi !

Personnally my brisquet often cook faster than my butts so i would put the butt at the bottom and the brisket on the top ...

BUT, are you sure you cant fit those 3 pieces on the top ??? i think it could fit

