Pork butt 3 different ways suggestions?


Dan Godwin

TVWBB Member
I've been volunteered to cook 3 pork butts for a co-workers "luau" on my 18.5" WSM. My plan is to smoke all 3 butts at the same time, but to use different rubs or sauces to give each one their own unique flavor. The co-worker asked for 1 "bbq" flavored pork butt, but wants the other 2 to be flavored differently, but he didn't really have any thoughts. Off the cuff, I suggested maybe making a pineapple glaze for one of the other butts, but have no idea where to start, or what even to do with the 3rd one. Looking for some suggestions, and thanks in advance!
You'll probably think I'm nuts, but follow me on this one.

I made this on the WSM for a Super Bowl Party and it was a hit. The 'rub' was fine, but could have been better. Next time, I did a typical rub and smoked just like any normal pulled pork and followed the rest of the recipe. Awesome. Doing it this way is a win-win. First, you have the standard typical great tasting WSM pulled pork everyone loves which can be a dish on it's own. Secondly, assembled with the other components of the recipe you have a completely different dish.

We were invited to a "food party" yesterday where the cooks were to demonstrate & sample their chow to ~50 people. I did these 2 ways with the selling point of the pork goes with Mac-n-cheese for the little eaters and the recipe route for the adult/refined taste. There wasn't a shred of pork that came home with me.

Consider injecting with pineapple juice, a good thick rub with a decent amount of brown sugar and heat mixed in, should be a great combo. Same thing on the other with a different rub and peach juice. Use the respective fruits as chunks in your finishing sauce.

