Pork Butt: 225 vs 250 Cooking Temp?

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K Lynch

TVWBB Member
First butt is going on in the morning- about 5.5 lb's. From reading past forums I'm planning on 2 hours per pound. Just curious- with a long cook like this can smoking at 250 (versus 225) save considerable time and result in just as good flavor/moistness? Here's to hoping 195 comes before 12 hours...

While I have never smoked at that temp at the top grate I can't believe it will hurt you that bad and I would suspect that your pork butt will be done sooner. How much sooner I can't say. I usually smoke at 250 at the lid and anywhere from 225-240 at the top grate. I would anticipate an alomost 12 hour cook at my temps. For you maybe 9-10. GOOD LUCK, let us know how it goes.
Start it out at the 225? range and let the temp climp some during the cook. As you get to the 10 hour mark, if the pit was at 250? or a little higher you would be fine. The Butt will still take 10 to 12 hour maybe more to be cook correctly. If you were to foil late in the cook it would speed it up but I would let one go to finish without foiling and see what you get.
I've got a 5.5 butt in the smoker right now...going on 9 hours and still at 177F. Aiming at 240F top grate temp. Shared it with a chicken, which is done now (and amazing by the way).

I'm expecting another 2 hours...but hey, here in San Diego, it's still early /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif
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