Polder "Instant" Thermometer

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Jon Liberman

I just got a Polder instant thermometer and it pretty much is useless. One would think that an instant thermometer would be just that, instant. However, it takes a good 10 seconds or more to finally run up to the final temperature. I might as well use my probe thermometer instead.

Is this normal? If it isn't, are there better instant thermometers out there? Does Polder just not play well in the BBQ realm?

I just looked on the Amazon.com reviews and the two reviews out there have the same opinion I do. Too bad I threw out my receipt. Anyone have any suggestions for a better instant thermometer?
There are instant therms and then there are instant therms. Polders reading in 8 to 10 seconds works ok, if you want fast try Thermapen
will read in 2 to 3 seconds. There is a large difference in cost and you will not be using a Thermapen to read pit temps or left stuck in the meat to get current readings. Both style of therms have there place.
This about low and slow bbq and 10 seconds is a very short time relative to the total cook. /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif
PS: Here is Thermapen site:

Thanks for the reply. I guess my major concern is that 10 seconds is a minimum. Usually it is closer to 30 seconds to get a read. This isn't a problem for smoking, but when I do grilling it is. Also, even on low and slow, I try to keep the lid on as much as possible. Using the polder, it would take several minutes to get readings across a brisket or butt. By that time, quite a bit of heat has escaped.

The Thermapen looks awesome, but you're right, it is pricey. Is there anything in between the Thermapen and the Polder?
You can take the Polder probe and place it close to a heat source and allow the Polder reading to get closer to your expected meated temp (this would be done seconds prior to taking the reading). Then when you stick the meat it will only take a few seconds to reach the meats internal temp, that could mean it will climb or possible drop only a small amount making the reading times much quicker.
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