Please help: Genesis Silver B NG connection from hose to manifold


Todd K

New member
We recently moved from a townhouse and disconnected our Genesis Silver B. The Weber was connected to natural gas for almost nine years, and we had some real problems disconnecting the quick release. So we disconnected the hose at the point it connects to the manifold.

Well, it seems we also left behind the connection between the manifold and hose. And, for the life of me, I can't find a male connection that screws into the manifold and connects to the new 3/8" gas hose.

This can't be that difficult, can it? (I fully admit to being an amateur about my heavily used grill.) I thought this would be something I could easily acquire at the hardware store. However, I can't seem to find anything that is small enough to fit into the manifold.

I called Weber, and they said I would need to replace the entire manifold. That can't be right, can it?

Is a regulator what I need? Something like this - It doesn't look like anything that was previously on the grill.

Please help!! It would be greatly appreciated.

(While I have your attention, any other suggestions? I'd swear the grill was working really nicely last summer. However, the inside of my cover has been chipping off for a few years. How bad is that?)
So is the board gently telling me that I'm screwed?

Is there really not a connection between a 3/8" hose and the manifold?

Does anybody know the size of the opening in the manifold?
I can answer your last question.

The stuff flaking off the inside cover is most likely deposits of smoke and stuff vaporized from what you cook. It builds up until it is thick enough to flake off. Most likely not harmful, but probably not something you want to add to your food. After cooking, brush off any loose pieces to prevent it from coming off the next time you cook. A brass brush used lightly would probably work well.

As for the gas fitting...

What is the cost of the part that Weber wants to sell you?

Have you looked at an appliance repair shop? Or a plumber?

Have you looked at an industrial supply house like Grainger or McMaster Carr? (Both have web sites you can search.)

Lastly, look for a similar model grill on Craigslist. Maybe you'll even get lucky enough to find one free. You have the choice to either find one with parts that interchange or perhaps take advantage of this opportunity to upgrade.

Good luck!

Edit: the regulator you linked to is to connect a propane tank and probably not what you want.

Double Edit: Where are my manners? Welcome to the board!
Thanks, Walter.

Weber said the part can not be replaced. I'd be happy to pay almost anything.

As I've said, I can't believe there is not a simple replacement part that connects the hose to the gas opening in the manifold. Is this really something I can't purchase at a good Ace Hardware?

If not, I think my next step is going to be an industrial supply house.

Any other suggestions?
Been a while since I looked but I think the manifold is 1/8 npt. If you need a quick connect a plumbing house should have such. Get one that matchesa the hose. Or adaptor to screw hose to manifold. All that stuff is standard pipe sizes and threads
You might want to talk to your gas company. They might be able to send someone out to help. It's possible they have seen this beofre
You could also try a Bottled Gas dealer. Some of them sell NG grills and they could have that part.

Or you could contact this place.

Hey Todd K - Did you get this figured out? I find myself in the exact same boat with a hand-me-down.


Maybe this will help you to be able to tell the forum members what part you need. Attached is a couple of picture of a new NG manifold for a genesis 1000 and where the hose attaches. If you need other pictures of it let me know.

The brass elbow that is in the manifold is considered part of the manifold by Weber. I couldn't venture a guess where to find just the elbow, but you can get the manifold for $62 plus shipping at I would not risk a piece that fits from a plumbing supply, etc. because you are feeding gas through it and too much or too little through the inlet could result in disaster IMO...

The fitting (Elbow) is a straight pass through the gas flow is regulated by the orfice in the valve assembly so any thing the fits the need for the hose connection should work fine.
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