Plastic table restoration


Gary S

Is anyone having issues keeping their plastic table tops or side shelves clean? I have used various degreasers and cleaners have have not been able to return my OTP shelves to near what they looked like when new.
I now have a replacement thermoset table on my '06 Performer.
But I used mineral oil on the original one, wiped on, then wiped off as much as possible.
It did restore the looks, and lasted a couple of months, and didn't seem to do any harm.
And it did seem to help resist new stains.
You might give it a try if no better solutions are offered.
Thanks Bob, I never thought it would have been necessary to seal these tables but you make a good point. They must be porus to some extent.
I think they get that way over time, but I seldom cover mine since I use it so much.
Right now I'm battling river birch tree sap dripping on the grill, and deck.

edit to add, food grade mineral oil is available in the pharmacy area of most stores.
and works well to help restore wood too.
My OTP is only two years old, I bought a cover when I bought it. It spends most of it's time under the cover but it's the grease that seems to be the problem. I'm just finishing my table tops for the 26" Kettle with the custom frame I built and am using tongue oil for a sealer. Maybe if I can get the OTP clean I will give that a try.
I've been cleaning gassers like crazy lately and I've cleaned a lot of these tables. I use a bin big enough to submerge the tables into. A large rubbermaid storage container to be exact. Then I squirt a ton of Dawn dishwashing detergent and fill with water. I did this in the garage so I just used the garden hose, but hot water would be better. Then set the tables in the tub so they're fully covered with water and soak em' overnight. The following day I hit it with a cleaning pad, rinse it off, set in the sun to dry and they're like brand new.

PS - I couldn't find any spray-n-scrub that worked. Soaking was the ticket.
Good tips, my Performer is only a couple weeks old and is stored in my shed. Do you recommend sealing the table with mineral oil right away?
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