Pizza on the grill



TVWBB Olympian
It was 103 today and the kids wanted homemade pizza. Forget the oven. I've made pizza on my genesis silver B and the BGE, but I thought I'd try the 330.

Setup was two pizza stones stacked using the feet from my BGE as a spacer. Lower stone shields the direct heat from the flames so the pizza doesn't burn. Lid Temps settled in around 600F.

Worked great. Pizza took 5 to 7 mins to cook.
Thanks @JimK I don't remember where I found the idea to use the BGE feet as a spacer but it works well. A few years ago I burnt the bottom crust before the top was cooked so I started looking for ways to shield the crust and found this.

Last night was the easiest pizza cooks I've done on any grill. I put the stones over the Left/Sear/Middle and just cranked the heat for 15 to 20 mins. Once my little infrared thermometer showed the center of the stone was "HOT" (over 500F), the pizzas went on and were quickly done. It started getting a little too hot at the end so I dialed back the direct heat under the stones towards the end.

The picture above was the last pizza cooked which was great because it was "mine" and I like my crust crispy.
Thanks @JimK I don't remember where I found the idea to use the BGE feet as a spacer but it works well. A few years ago I burnt the bottom crust before the top was cooked so I started looking for ways to shield the crust and found this.

It is tricky to get the top and bottom both cooked but neither burned.

Could be that your spacers (in addition to reducing the heat from below) are also reducing the headroom above the pie so that the top cooks faster from heat reflecting off the lid. Some people take that further and use fire bricks to boost the stone up even higher towards the lid.

But (since you already have two stones) you might want to try cooking with one stone below and one stone above. See picture of doing that in the link below: "One very useful technique if the bottom is cooking faster than the top is to place a second pizza stone above the pie."

Another hot Friday night in CA.

Same setup as last time but I dIdn't take any pics cooking on the E330.


