Pitmaster Class

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Darren Gaylor

TVWBB Member
I attended Paul Kirk's class yesterday in Vancouver, WA. It was a great time. Got to meet Jim Minion, duck and his son Ryan. Oh, and we did a lot of cooking.

It was really nice to see live demonstrations of how to choose and trim the various cuts of meat. This site does a great job describing the process, but seeing it done is much better.

They dovetailed a judging class with the cooking class, too. This turned the end of the day into a mini competition. Pretty fun. Congratulations to Ryan and duck for their 1st place ribs and butt (out of 23 teams). My team didn't suck too bad, we took 3rd in chicken, 5th in ribs and 6th in brisket. (Not sure how we messed up the butt.)

WSM's were well represented at the class. I bet there were at least a dozen of them being used. I'd recommend the class to anyone, even if you have no intention (like me) of entering competitions. I'm thinking about taking the class again next spring.

If you want to learn more you could hook and cook with a team that is already competing. You would have to show up when you wanted to but you would see how some experienced team do their thing.
Doesn't cost near as much either. :>
PS: Nice turn out and great folks.
I'm still trying to get over the fact that a Husky beat me in something (your 3rd in chicken vs. my honorable mention).

It will be avenged!!! :-)

Just kiddin'. Great to meet all of you. Had a great time.

I will most certainly jump into the regional competition circut this year.

Hope to see y'all at spring training on April 20th!

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