pit boss comp blend pellet | 40 pound bag | $12.00 at lowes

Thanks for the tip. I have generally used Lumber Jack but have used PB recently because my LJ sellers are not very close to home. I've used this comp blend and also the charcoal blend and so far have liked both.
I think I've got close to a hundred pounds of pellets, and no pellet pooper. A smoke tube here, a handful sprinkle there, I think I've got a few years supply.
I never cook lower than 225 on my Traeger, so don't perceive any real difference regardless of what pellets I use, as the smoke flavor is almost nonexistent. For a moderate smoke level, I use a smoke tube with good results. All of the Pit Boss pellets I've used do a good job, whether in the smoke tube or my electric smoker. I find them comparable to Bear Mountain and Louisiana Grill pellets. Just picked up a bag of Pit Boss Spring Blend (Maple/Cherry) and can't wait to try them out on a slab of spares this weekend.
I just started experimenting with Knotty Wood pellets. This company's pellets seem to have rapidly risen to the top in the view of a number of serious BBQ reviewers such as Jeremy Yoder of Mad Scientist BBQ. My first try on Memorial Day was ribs at a steady 225 degrees using their Plum flavor. Nice smell but the thing I noticed more was that my Recteq produced smoke consistently. I got my pellets on a deal that Home Depot was running if you bought one Plum and one Almond. Whether they are worth it vs. some of the deals recently posted here I guess depends on the user. I am also a fan of Lumberjack, Bear Mountain and Weber pellets (Lumberjack in a different bag they say). I am going to experiment more with Knotty Wood for sure, however. They do seem top drawer.

