Pinwheel Question



TVWBB All-Star
After seeing some great steak pinwheel cooks on the photo pages, I think I'm going to try for my next cook.

My question is, has anyone ever done with boneless/skinless chicken? I love beef and my wife is trying to stay away from it, so I'm going to do some of each.

Any recipe ideas would be great for the chicken pinwheels. The beef one, I'm just going to try to throw whatever is in the fridge that day to use up (onions, cheese, spinach, etc).

Thanks all!!
Chicken Gyros are getting popular near us. If you could cut long strips from the spit size chicken gyros and roll them up you would be pretty close to a chicken pinwheel ready to grill. It might be interesting to roll strips of the chicken gyros along with strips of flank steak for a combo pinwheel. Restaurant supply places for the chicken gyros.
Not sure if you can get a breast long enough to do a proper pinwheel. I would butterfly the breast and stuff it and tie it back up.
As much as I hate to say this, our local Walmart has boneless/skinless breast for $1.98/lb and they are thick. So I flatten/thin them out and can make pinwheels out of them. Don't have another source nearby that has as thick of breast to flatten out that will be large enough for pinwheels.
Well this is not really the original "Pinwheel" but it sure is some good eats.

Pork chops


And skip the bacon on the chicken if "you" wanna.

But a pork loin/tenderloin is just as good if you wanna fill/roll the meat.

And the fillings well try the things "you" like and maby do 2 different ones in one run to dial that flavour to fit your profile.

("you" = the whife that is)
Thanks for the ideas!!

Wolgast, that chicken you did looks excellent and I would love to do it with bacon for myself, the wife, not a chance..unless it is turkey bacon.

I am going to toy with this this week maybe with and without turkey bacon and a couple types of cheese.

Keep those ideas coming if you can.

Thanks again.
Daniel - I copied both your chicken and pork posts for future inspiration! Love the look of those, and not sure how, but I missed both of those posts when you posted them.

Nice job on them!

Wayne I really don't think u can go wrong here and the options are only limited by what u have on hand and your imagination. I always pound flat under a piece of saran wrap and tie em up.

Here was my take on chicken using some boneless Tied-thighs

ps I'm a air-cooled fanatic myself.
For the chicken I think I'm gonna try some different ones. Some with mozzo cheese spinach and turkey bacon. Some with red/orange peppers cheese and onion.

The steak, some cheddar I smoked, onion, and peppers.

You think I can flatten/wrap em tonight and cook tomorrow or better to do it right before grilling?

Thanks for all the advice!!

