piment d'espelette


Rita Y

TVWBB Emerald Member
How does piment d'espelette compare with aleppo? Is there a good substitute? Paprika or a red chile/Chimayo chile mixed with pimenton? Aleppo + something? Or nothing?

Is it sweeter or fruitier than Aleppo?

How does the heat level compare with Aleppo?

I notice that Thomas Keller seems quite fond of it. That should make it the next food fad (think pimenton) - and here <span class="ev_code_BLUE">I</span> am, asking about it.


I helped a friend make sausage once and his family being of Basque heritage, used a recipe that involved Piment d'Espelette. That was the 1st time I had tasted it. I seem to recall that it was somewhat fruitier than paprika, so I would opt for Aleppo as a substitute. It didn't have a lot of heat; somewhere on the range of medium-low on the Scoville scale. Mirasol for its fruitiness or a mature New Mexico red (green that's matured) might make a good sub as well.

I'm with you Rita, read about it but never have seen it. Every spice shop I've been in, my wife asks me if I saw it, and we never have.
I'm with Paul and would likely sub Aleppo, ground finer. I've never subbed it (I use it in piperade and a few patés, and some Basque recipes) but would use Aleppo were it necessary.
Thanks, gentlemen. I suspected Aleppo (love it!), but is there anything that I should also include to get closer to the piment d'espelette profile? Fruity? Ancho perhaps? Something with flavor but little heat?

Aleppo is fruity enough, imo - more fruity than p d'e.

P d'e has a hint of smokiness. You could toast the Aleppo first, before grinding, or add a tiny pinch pimentón to a couple tablespoons of ground.

P d'e, to me, is like a high quality sharp paprika with a bit more fruit and flavor. You might find it at WF if you want the real thing and, of course, it's available on line.
The pimentón with the Aleppo sounds tasty. I didn't think of checking Whole Foods for the espelette. I'll check. I have found it online.

Thank you for the help and advice,

