Picnic - bone in vs. bone out

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Sean M.

I found a lot of old threads regarding butts vs. picnics, but not much info on the bone.

I have an 11 pound picnic that is going to go on top of a full brisket. I will be shooting for 180* for the pork and 185* for the brisket.

What are the pros/cons of keeping the bone in or out? How does it effect cook time/per pound?

~ Sean
I feel its better to leave the bone in. It seems to help maintain moisture and allows a slower cook which helps with the rendering of the fat. The bone actually absorbs some of the heat and helps with the cooking process. I guess a plus of deboning would be that you cut cut into two pieces and increase surface area for the production of bark. I would opt to leave the bone in.

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sean M.:
I will be shooting for 180* for the pork <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
That seems a little low if planing to pull. If you take it to 190 - 200 range more of the fat will render out JMO. I would leave the bone in and take the skin off.
I agree with Paul, bone in all the way. Shoot for at LEAST 195 if you wanna pull it. An 11 pounder will pretty much take a full day at 2 hours per pound. I think the "Mr. Brown" recipe on this site calls for using a boneless shoulder, but cut in two across the axis. I'd maybe try that if I were you...it would take a LOT less time to cook, and you'd get more tasty bark!
Sean, I'm with Bryan here. Take that butt to 195 at least. If you can wait the extra time...205 would be even better!
Thanks guys - 195*+ will be my target.

If the picnic alone will take +/- 24 hours, how do you think a 10# brisket on the bottom rack will effect the cook time?

Is it logical that I can get them both done in 24-hours?

~ Sean
Sean, 22 - 24 hrs should get the job done. You could speed things up with foiling the picinic if you are going to be pressed for time. If you let the brisket sit out and get to room temp before putting it on that would help also.I take my butts to 202 but thats just me. Brisket also to 198 - 202 range. And let rest for 1 hr min i leave mine rest for 2. Bryan
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