Picked up one like this today for free.


Bobby Segars

TVWBB Super Fan
Was driving home today and passed a grill like this on the side of the road. I stopped and talked to the lady of the house and she agreed to hold it for me. I didn't have time to take pics but I'll upload some later. Everything looks good but the cross member where the cook box attaches to the frame is rusty. Thanks to Bruce's video it should he an easy fix. Being a novice grill guy not sure exactly what model it is?


That should be a Genesis Silver C. Good grill for rehabbing if all the extra burner parts are there and in decent shape. Probably mid 2000's vintage.
All the burner parts appear to be there to include the burner cover. Its gonna be a flip, I've only sold one other.
Will have to see how I do.
What's the difference between a silver and a gold?

The Silver came with an enameled lid, enameled grates and flavorizer bars. The Gold had a stainless lid, stainless flavorizer bars and grates. But over time people may have replaced parts. I found Silver models with SS interior parts and Gold models with enameled interior parts.
Yah, the only true way to know for sure is the lid. Stainless vs Enameled. But, I would prefer the enameled lid anyway. A color other than black would have been nice though.
The pan on the bottom appeared to be very rusty. Can you replace it with a wire rack and are there cross members all around the bottom like a 1000 has?
I am not sure, but I think you will have cross members on each side, but not across the front and back and I would think you could put a wire rack in there in its place. Which is exactly what I would do.
I am not sure, but I think you will have cross members on each side, but not across the front and back and I would think you could put a wire rack in there in its place. Which is exactly what I would do.

I have a wire rack that came off a 2000 frame. Are the frames the same dimensions?

