Persian rice and stove top grilled chicken breasts



TVWBB Platinum Member
I'm a big fan of crispy crusted rice like you get with bip n bap or Tah dig (Persian rice). I've made bip n bap before but have never ventured into Tah Dig. I used a simple recipe. I used the recipe from Samin Nosrat Persian-ish Rice . I did add a bit of Baharat seasoning, and wish that I had added some more. All in all it was tasty. At one point I upped the heat and really should have just kept it lower. I believe this is why the darker spots showed up where the vent holes were poked in the rice. I used my 10" Field CI pan.

A few tips if using Cast iron. Let the pan preheat a good 10-15 minutes. I started with the heat set between 3 & 4 (out of 10). I should have left it there. At one point I upped it to 5. You can tell when it is getting close to being done as the rice will start to let go at the sides. Before flipping the rice out run a spatula around the edge. If you have a plate that will fit into the pan you are using put it in the pan then flip. I did not have anything that would fit so I placed parchment on to of the rice and spread my hand across it as best as possible. flipped and slid onto cutting board. Worked!

The recipe calls for 2 cups rice. it doesn't mention if that is cooked or not cook. I went with 2 cups uncooked. I figured if there was extra I'd use it else where. Turns out that was good decision as it took all the par cooked rice to fill the pan. I also used 1 1/2 (recipe calls for 1 cup) cups cook rice to mix with the yogurt. Next time I will season the rice with more stuff.

Chicken was pretty simple grilled on the LeCreuset grill pan. Seasoned with Ras El Hanout. Cooked to 165°f.







