Performer vs. building table


Jeff Padell

I currently have a OTG with the snap-on side table that I keep between the OTG and the WSM 22. The problem is that the table is sort of dinky, once I put 2 or 3 thermometers, fork knife, probes, etc there is not room for plates and trays. Also I really hardly use the OTG, I used it 2 years ago when we had a big party and I had to fire it up for the burgers while everything else was on the Silver B. I just find the propane faster to use although this year I want to use it more, and it is still like new.

I was looking at the Performer especially it's table and am tempted to ask for one (used off CL) for fathers day, but got thinking is the table big enough? I was also thinking if I built a table I could make it just the way I wanted it. I was thinking of a rectangular table with a back with a shelf and pegboard or something to hold tools and a mini "roof" or top that could hold a light.

Actually while typing this I am starting to get excited about building a BBQ center!
Here's what I did and I also have a performer and the table is plenty large enough for me.

The frame is from a Silver B that I picked up off of CL for $10. I removed the grill and mounted clear pine 1x3s on the top and bottom. It's great because I can roll it to wherever I need it. I use it for cooking with the Silver B I have and my E320 and anything else I need it for.

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Here's what I did and I also have a performer and the table is plenty large enough for me.

The frame is from a Silver B that I picked up off of CL for $10. I removed the grill and mounted clear pine 1x3s on the top and bottom. It's great because I can roll it to wherever I need it. I use it for cooking with the Silver B I have and my E320 and anything else I need it for.

That is some excellent looking work right there, Rich !
Bet a guy could mount a 22.5" kettle on one end....custom Performer.
I thought about that when I started the project. The problem is the frame is only 19" wide so a 22.5 would have to be hung over the end. Then you would have to put counter balancing weights at the other end so it didn't pull a wheelie, can you picture that with a full load of hot coals and food ouch. Maybe an 18 would fit but why bother.
You are the man! I was thinking of 2x4's or 2x6's or other stuff, but this would be perfect. The only thing it doesn't have is a light for night cooks. But I have seen Silver B's for free or $20-$40

I wonder if using composite wood would make it weatherproof? But would it hold up to hot plates?

Also a Silver B cover would work as I would leave it out year-round. I could also make up some sort of clamp on shelf the I could put stickup lights under the shelf - I would think you could make them on the same profile of the Silver B so that with the cover on it would like a B.
My Silver B works great just put a new crossover bar in it. I just was looking on CL for Silver A,B's or C's and see a nice B with the two lift up trays for $50, just emailed the guy to see if it is still available. If I were to get it I would probably tear my B apart to make the cart but I hate to break up a working grill, but having the two trays would be good.
You are the man! I was thinking of 2x4's or 2x6's or other stuff, but this would be perfect. The only thing it doesn't have is a light for night cooks. But I have seen Silver B's for free or $20-$40

I wonder if using composite wood would make it weatherproof? But would it hold up to hot plates?

Also a Silver B cover would work as I would leave it out year-round. I could also make up some sort of clamp on shelf the I could put stickup lights under the shelf - I would think you could make them on the same profile of the Silver B so that with the cover on it would like a B.

Jeff I used the clear pine because I had it, I gave it 5 coats of Minwax Spar Urethane so it's pretty waterproof. I bought an 18x18 tile for a hot pad as you can see in the picture. I'm going to attach a five plug power strip to one of the legs and I have a clamp on light I can attach if I need it.
That is great! I am now looking for an old grill on CL! I will build one of these but I am going to design a shelf to mimic the original grill that will keep the profile for the top. I get alot of snow building up on my gear

OK I decided to build a table using af frame from a Silver A or B. I haunted Craigs list, didn't want to get one that worked or was in good shape as it would kill me to destroy a nice grill. I picked this one up for $25 on CL. It has some rust but some salvagable parts as well.
Now I have to decide on what to do the table with, thinking of ceramic tiles on exterior plywood



Rust through - JP Weld or Bondo to fix?

I have now taken it apart and rescued some parts, the gas tubes are in good shape as is the regulator and especially the hose.
There is rust through in one spot and I have to decide how to fix it, I don't have access to a welder

JB Weld or Bondo?


Hmm. Could you replace that small section of square tubing? It's not very long.
If not, Bondo or JB would fill the craters and holes nicely, with JB probably being the stronger of the two. You may try a body filler with fiberglass in it to help cover the hole.
I don't know that I could replace it, but it is going to be covered by the tabletop, I am thinking the table top will overhang the frame just a bit. So I am mostly looking to fill it in so water doesn't get in.
Yea, I am thinking JB Weld. I fixed a gas tank on our antique firetruck with JB about 8 years ago still holding fine.
I'm not sure what kind of stores you have around there, but go online and see if you can find a dealer locator for some "Ospho". It is a rust inhibitor and primer.

Brush it on and let it sit overnight then brush it off with a wire brush before you use the JB weld. I use it on a lot of rusty metal projects and it works very well.

BTW, I have the same exact frame. The grill was too bad for me to restore, but I sanded it down, did some welding and plan on making a table to go with the 18" OTS I gave my sister. Rich's pics have inspired me.

If I was closer I would weld it up for ya
spent a little time working on the table today. got it painted, the tops are going to be removable, the bottom is done for now, the top still has a ways to go but I moved it to where it is going to live


OK wife said table is TOO BIG! Decided to cut it down by about a foot. I lose the folding table but I get the stick burner back on the patio and the wife is happy

I still have to finish tiling the table and build a shelf for it. I also moved the patio box nearer the garage but still accessible.

I made both shelved, top and bottom removable and replaceable.


Now for the shelf


Looking good Jeff! My wife has kinda taken over my cart she found out it makes a great potting table. Now I'm looking for another Silver A or B to sacrifice I'm going to cut the frame legs even with the bottom cross member mount the axle just above the bottom cross member making the cart low enough to use it with my mini. The one I made in the pictures is workable with the mini just a little to tall.
funny I was thinking the opposite, the table is a bit low, I would like it to be about 4 inches taller. I used to be 6'1" but seem now to be 6' even and it just seems a hair low.
Now that I cut the ends I like the size, it was a bit too big for easy use on my patio. I will use it whether done or not this weekend.

