Performer or OTG?

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TVWBB Super Fan
I'm definitely going to get either a Performer or OTG soon, just not sure which to go with. I love the idea of the automatic starter for the charcoal.

My question is, was anyone else in the same predicament and are you happy with the decision you made? Anyone bought a Performer and wish they just went with an OTG or vice versa?

I had a gold and loved it. Got a Performer and could never go back. Well worth the extra money in my opinion. The starter is nice but that's not the biggest reason for me. I like the sturdy table and the height a lot better that the gold.

There are two things that bug me about it though. The lid holder doesn't get the lid completely out of the way. Not a big problem, but might get annoying if you are left handed. Also, the gas starter has a very small vent in it that makes the Performer take longer to shut down than the OTG. You may not notice it if you haven't owned both before though. It's just something that I notice. It's not a big deal compared to the convenience of the gas starter so I just deal with it.

Even with those things, my only regret about buying the Performer is not doing it sooner.

Hope this helps.
Great question, but not necessarily something that is easy to answer. Keep in mind that there is no difference in cooking abilities of these grills -- they'll cook the same.

I'll give you a couple of things to think about:

1) How much space do you have? Obviously the Performer takes up more space, so consider where the grill is going to be.

2) Will the grill be moved? The Performer is much more stable when rolling around the yard, patio, or deck. On the other hand, if you want to take it for tailgating, or on a trip, the OTG is a better option as it's much easier to throw in the car.

3) Cost -- how important is that? Assuming you are looking at new grills, the Performer will cost about $175 to $180 more. With the Performer you get the added features of a cart, a place to store charcoal, a table, the gas assist, a lid holder, and a temperature gauge. You can buy the OTG, and add a table, a lid holder, the SS grate (much better than the standard one), stick a thermometer in the lid, use a chimney to start the grill and still have money left over for charcoal and food.

If space and price don't matter, get the Performer. If you see yourself taking the grill with you at times, or money and space are important, get the OTG. Frankly, you cannot make a wrong decision here.
Get a Fleetwood.(26.75)You will never be sorry with the extra room you get. It's like getting a larger mastertouch. I use it on small and large cooks without a problem. I have a metal side table I am useing right now. I plan on making a nice wood side table this year.
Get the performer,and here's why,You'll use it more.All the conveniences add up,the table, the gas assist,charcoal at your fingertips.It just makes it easier. If cost is an issue,cl is your friend.Cop a gold for $40. and take your time looking for a performer. Good luck.
I have both and I use the Performer more. The added features are great and make it more convenient to use.
The bottom line is that they both cook the same so you can't go wrong with either.
I bought a performer after I seen one on the BBQ Pitboys videos on Youtube quite a few yrs back and at the time I had an older OTS which was in great condition and used often and After I got the performer....the poor little OTS was listed on $80 for it hehe

Anyway, I've found that the Performer is the best because of it's worktable and the fact it sits up a lot higher than a regular kettle so is easier on the back.
I like it most because of the way the table sits close to the lip of the kettle which makes it ideal for sliding foods on/off the grill and for adding stuff to the cooking like sauces, mops and bastes.It also comes in handy for somewhere to place your beer when things get kinda hectic

The Storage bin is great and all my smoking chunks,bags of charcoal and a few nick knacks are stowed away safely out of the weather.

My only criticism is that we here in Australia have no other method of using the gas starter than the little camping canisters and I'm lucky to get 7-10 starts out of it and at $12.95 per canister, I'm back to using the firelighters due to cost...that's nearly $1.50 per start up..rediculous but theres no other attachment avail to use so we can run it off a large gas tank.
So unless you want to take the kettle to outings in the car, I'd go the Performer.
Oh yeah and the cart is very sturdy..much better than 3 legs in my books.


I wanted a 26.75" grill, so I had to go with the OTG. It'd be nice to have a table attached to it, but it's not a big deal. To me, the convenience of having more real estate outweighs the inconvenience of not having a table, so I just use a side table next to it.
Paul i agree with Shaun and Miguel, if buying one i would go with the 26.75 over the performer. I own a 26.75 very nice grill and the extra room is priceless. Also u can use it as a smoker lots of room for ribs, brisket or even ur Thanksgiving turkey.
The right answer to this question is another question- when is weber going to put out a 26" Performer :-). Best of both-problem solved ;-p.

Btw, I love my performer.
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