Pear wood

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Any one with experience using pear wood for smoking? I have lost one of my fruit bearing pear trees and was considering using the wood. Also, there are always opprotunities for wood from the nonfruit Bradford pear tree that are prevelant around here. Anyone with experience with either of these types of pear wood?
Jeffrey, I accessed the group wisdom about bradford pear just a little while back, and the concensus seems to be good. Most recommendations I got said to mix a bit of hickory or pecan in with it. Our next door neighbor has/had a 25 year old Bradford in their back yard. 1/4 of it fell a couple of weeks ago - no wind, no storm, just FELL during a fine sunny day. His son took that back to TX with him for cooking purposes. Another 1/4 of it fell last week, landing partially on a young pin oak that the neighbor had planted to ultimately replace the pear tree. Robert and I headed over with the chain saw to do what we could to free up the small tree, so now said neighbor has asked if we want the stack of wood resulting from the cleanup. Didn't have to ask us twice. /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif I understand from a horicultural specialist that it may be a bit sappy, though, so a long drying period would probably be appropriate.

Keri C
Smokin on Tulsa Time
I've smoked with pear wood before. My dad's got one I trim every year in his yard. So I can get all I want. Along with apple as well. I like it. It's pretty similiar to apple wood IMO, only not so sweet. A little more smokey flavor, but still good.
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