Paul Kirk Class


Pete G

New member
Has anyone ever taken the Paul Kirk Que class. I am thinking of attending an upcoming class of his in the area. Any thoughts?
I'm going to second this question. In fact, I got on line tonight to ask it. I like Kirk's cookbooks, but it's a fair amount of time and money... I know there was a thread about this a few years ago but only a couple responses from people who had done the class. I've been doing bbq for a few years, done a number of overnight butts, ribs, etc, plus read many of the books--but I'm not thinking of competition. Mostly just wondering if the class would be fun (rather than intimidating or intense) and would improve my skills...
I think it depends at what stage you are with smoking. I took the class about 3-4 years ago, prior to the New Holland, PA Summerfest. But I knew nothing, absolutely nothing about smoking. At that time Paul provided guidance on smoking butt, ribs and brisket. He breaks people up into teams up 2-3 people. I didn't have a smoker then so I teamed up with a guy who had a WSM. I learned a lot from him and others as there is free time once everyone starts cooking the meat. If you are experienced I'm not so sure you'll get a whole lot out of it, I rather just go to a competition, walk around and hang out with peeps. Old Dave and his friend Mike let me stay with them all night at the Summerfest. Probably got just as much out of that.

The cost may indeed depend not only on the class but on the site--who is hosting it. The one I'm looking at is in Montreal and is $300. Judging by the discussion on this forum in 2005, the same class was then $225. (They do provide meat and spices.) I think it would be fun to meet Kirk and I'm sure I'd pick up some good tips; but I'm not exactly a beginner--don't need to learn about how to judge when a butt is done or the difference between high and low heat, etc--so i'm not sure if it would be an efficient use of money and time....
The class is in Shoreline at the Central Market on the 25th or 26th of April. I called and they do not have a price yet, but the guy that puts the events together says it will probably be about $100. He says that Paul may be able to get some stuff donated and that will affect the final price.
Since some of the responses have been from Western Washington folks-here is a link for Paul Kirk's class in Shoreline, WA.

I took chefs class through the PNWBA two years ago and helped out last year and took the PNWBA CBJ class at the same time. It is a one day class, lots of info, meats provided, bring your own cookers, and meet other Q'ers! If you look at PK's site, it pretty much details how the class is run. In the BBQ starved Pacific Northwest there are not many opportunities for a class like this. Some may say its beginners basics, but it is what it is and reasonably priced. Here is another link for the PNWBA-check out the calendar for other events-Hope to see you there!!

