Patter for introducing newbies to pulled pork sandwiches

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Chet Johnson

TVWBB Super Fan
I am from Northern California and in some cities around here, eating meat is a capital offence. I had the opportunity to introduce pulled pork BBQ to a group of 40 or so friends this weekend and had to train them the proper "etiquette". This is not a precise transcription, but close enough. The only problem is that there were no leftovers to bring home from the weekend outing.


You may have never seen this substance before (I hold up a hamburger bun). It is white bread (several people shrink back in horror). No, wait! It's not dangerous, only misunderstood! Come back! White bread is a team player, not a solo star. Stay with me. We are making magic here. White bread should not be shunned simply because it has no taste. It is soft, lovely, and helps to keep our fingers clean.

Our next stop is at the Cole Slaw station. I know many of you only recognize this a side dish. Your education has been sorely lacking. Let's try and correct this here and now. Repeat after me, "Cole Slaw belongs on the sandwich". It is a fountain of crisp deliciousness and adds the sparkle that our star attraction deserves. It is crisp and lovely and is the perfect complement for this epicurean delight (With great ceremony, I add a healthy portion of cole slaw to the sandwich).

Next stop, and the star of the show, is this breathtakingly beautiful pulled pork. 17 hours of low and slow cooking has allowed this oft neglected cut of porcine loveliness to reach the peak of it's gustatorial splendor. If one needs to speak, it should only be in quiet tones of reverence (I plop a healthy serving of pork onto the sandwich). This must be treated with the respect it so richly deserves.

Finally, a touch of sauce (a hot-and-spicy, but too sweet, Memphis style sauce I cut with cidar vinegar). Go gently dear friends. This sauce is a finish, not a meal in and of itself. A little splash or two is for accent and too much would do a disservice to this splendid creation.

You now have a worthy sandwich the likes of which few of you have ever experienced. Enjoy and live well."

Well said Chet. And thanks for the further education.

Rath *adding cole slaw to Thursday's menu*
Funny Chet, my mom said the same thing about coleslaw when I made my butt just this past weekend!

My man, go find a newspaper and submit this posting as your'll get the editor's job or at least the creative writer's job for sure! AWESOME POST!!
Common newspaper, my foot! This belongs in the Bullsheet! (the Kansas City Barbecue Society monthly newsletter). That is an absolutely delighful piece of writing! /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

Keri C, smokin' on Tulsa Time
HAHAhaha...that's funny. I had a vegetarian at my 4th of July picnic and she brought veggie burgers. I asked her if she minded if I cooked them on the grill where the meat was, to which she said no problem.

Then I asked her if I could drizzle some delicous porky goodness on them from the Spares I was smoking...that's about where she drew the line.
A few members of our motley group are vegetarians as well. My highest compliment was when one of them not only had a sandwich for dinner, for lunch the next day he helped himself to another under the scornful glare of his wife.

It was a good weekend.

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