Party prep


Ryan S

Borrowing a friends' and going to set up starting Friday for my housewarming saturday. Mr. Brown, midnight rub brisket, and BRITU.

The butts are half-sized(3-4#). The local store only had 'em that way, I don't know why. I'm going to try getting some more tomorrow morning from another store...I was hoping to do 3 7-8# butts, not the tiny ones.

I've never done ribs before, so hope they all come out good! Need to get some more racks tomorrow. The butcher was gone when I got there. Oh well.


Hope your weekend smokes are all yummy and enjoyed by your guests.
Whoho! You go man. Hope you can find some bigger Butts and pick up some more coffee. That one little can there's not going to be enough.
Hope everything turns out well for you and keep us posted.
Is that an HEB price tag on your ribs? (I think I would recognize that from anywhere) Dont hear too many people speak of HEB on this board, buy my local one has a great selection of meat to Q. I went by this morning and picked up 8 racks of spares for the Holiday weekend, hope your local stores can supply you with what you want.
When you only see 3-4# butts in the display case, flag down an employee and ask if they have larger in the back. A lot of stores cut off a couple of shoulder steaks from the full-sized butts, then put out the smaller pieces of butt.

Most stores get their butts the same way-as a cryovac two-pack of 7-8# butts. Tell 'em you want the cryovac package. Most of the employees I've dealt with are shocked that I want that big a piece of meat. Some have even carefully explained to me that the cryovac is "TWO LARGE PIECES OF MEAT. IT WILL BE ABOUT 15 POUNDS. I DON'T THINK YOU REALLY WANT THAT MUCH." Kinda like they're explaining to a child why they can't have something. Then I tell 'em I want two.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by John Mason:

I would be rolling in the aisle laughing so hard if someone told me that. Aw man.
Down here they don't ask you that, they ask when you're going to be done smoking and your address. At least the clerk did last night. Of course it was nearing 10pm, so the selection of employees was limited as well.

Oh and yes that's an HEB sticker. I'm going to have to go to Sam's or something I think to get more ribs. Just about all my close grovery stores are out already!

I have located appropriate sized butts. The G/F is picking them up. She was almost appalled the first time I told her what I was going to be doing and with what. I love bbq. It's such good clean eating fun. ("you're going to do what?? It's called a WHAT????") hehehe.

I'll be staggering the cooking (starting smoker #1 at 7pm without the guru, #2 at midnight with the guru). Should have enough time that the ribs can get started on #1 and finished by 8pm.
I hope.

IM me if you need directions....
Ahh, but you live in the heart of BBQ country. (Forget what those Kansas City people think!

Looks like you're gonna have a great time! If you have a pile of brewskis 'bout twice as big as the pile o' meat (I think that's the proper ratio - maybe it's four or six to one
Would you believe those small butts took 9 hours?


OTOH, brisket's done now too...

BRITU coming up. pics of it all later.
Well, party's over now, but I have leftovers.

Ribs were great, though one rack burned (It uncurled and leaned over a bit). Brisket? Juicy, flavorful. Pork butt? Spicy, tasty, "your best yet". One of my neighbors had 8 ribs--she was very impressed. I think I know what her husband's getting for his birthday.

