Parts procurement lead time


Matt Birmingham

New member
Hello all,

I'm looking to put the HM to use on my brand-spanking new 22.5WSM, and am curious how long I'll be waiting for the individual parts to arrive. I.e. should I plan to build in 2 weeks? 1? 3?

The parts will come from the suppliers as discussed in the different lists:
- 4.0 box from Tom or Matt (seems like Tom is the preferred vendor?)
- Mouser components
- Digikey blower, etc
- HM PCB from OSH Park
- Amazon for rPi and power supply (upping to 2A, based on my lurking/reading)

I think I can source everything else locally. Did I get any of the distributors wrong?

PS, is there a preferred 2A 12VDC power supply?

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Mouser and digikey get parts out quickly. You just have to make sure there are no backorders. If there are, check to see if the other supplier may be in stock. Generally, it takes less than one week for the components. The board form OSH park is usually the longest wait time depending on when they send the board out for fab, but I usually get my boards within 2 to 3 weeks. Amazon is amazon and depends on how much you pay for shipping. I would not say that I am the preferred vendor for cases. Matt and I work on the case together and we both try and fulfill the needs of the members of the forum. I usually have the case out in any where from a day to a week depending on how backed up I am, travel, work, etc. I would venture that Matt is in the same ballpark.
Thanks for the feedback, Tom! I was just trying to read the tea leaves of the forum to see where people were sourcing the housing and most recent posts seemed to mention you.

What's the most polite/correct way to ask for a box? Do I send you each a PM or one then the other?
Thanks again, Tom.

Since I've got you, do you have a preferred 12V 2A plug? In my lurking, it appears that driving another amp through the circuit tends to relieve some ghosts people complain about.
Mouser still shows out of stock on the ATmega - they do show the "non-P" in stock, and digikey shows the "P" in stock - when I ordered my latest batch I had to substitute a different trimmer pot and a different red LED as well as go to the "non-P" ATmega - but after doing so I got my mouser order in about 5 days.

It took 6 weeks to get my parts due to the unavailability of the ATmega. Hopefully they have enough in stock now.
Yeah P is "picopower" but I've searched high and low and never found a single lick of information from ATmel quantifying exactly what that means. Supposedly they have lower power consumption or something? The datasheets show them as the same. They all support all the sleep modes, they all seem to use roughly the same current with my high-level inspection.

I'm getting a uCurrent in a couple months so I'm excited about being able to do some real precise measurements, but for now they're practically interchangeable parts. I had always used the P version in everything on account of them always being cheaper too.

EDIT: But confirming HeaterMeter works the same with both. It doesn't use any sleep modes or powersaving.

