What are a few paprika substitution choices? When a recipe such as rubs calls for a 1/4 cup or more, I would like to try something else. It needs to be mild in heat. Just looking for some good flavor.
Rusty, I use ground Ancho Chili peppers. Great flavor,little heat but not too much. My rubs taste a heck of a lot better since I got rid of the Paprika
There are 8 or 9 types (grades) of Hungarian paprika, only two of which are readily available here, though others can be sourced on line. Smoked Spanish paprika is available 'sweet' or 'hot' - both have good smoky flavor but not much in the way of chile flavor. (I love smoked paprika for short grill sessions when it's less likely that the food has enough time to pick up much smoke flavor, and for adding smoky notes to sauces. I don't care for it in Q rubs myself.)
I love quality paprika, but not for Q rubs (unless I'm simply needing a bulking agent) as I don't find the mild flavor stands up at all to long, dry cooking. Other chilies work far better. Paprika holds up well in liquid cooking though, such as in braises, stews and soups.